

To monitor, record, and archive live video streams efficiently omitting the high throughput optimized CDN Network PVR features.

Core Components

  1. FFMpeg Sequence: Handles the recording of live streams.
  2. Manager Sequence: Spawns recording sequences upon API requests.
  3. HTTP Server Sequence: Facilitates content serving for sporadic views without needing a CDN.


  1. Economic Efficiency: Major savings in CDN fees, especially beneficial for streams with sporadic access frequencies.
  2. Adaptability: Ability to access streams from public and internal sources without additional setup.
  3. Customization: Ability to tailor the system to video sources, network requirements and encoding parameters on the fly.

Cost Savings:

  1. Bypassing the CDN – cost reduction on storage costs,
  2. Resource Optimization – usage of cost-effective hosting,
  3. Scalability – scale to on-prem and cloud hosts instantly.


The Scramjet-based Live Video Stream Archive System provides a robust, cost-effective alternative to traditional CDN usage for live video monitoring and archiving, particularly suited for scenarios with sporadic content access.